
Spell Token ($SPELL) Price Prediction 2025/2026 – 2030

If you want to know Spell Crypto (SPELL) price prediction or are interested in knowing how high Spell tojen can rise in the future, then you have landed at the right place.

Here, our team of experts has prepared a detailed price forecast of SPELL cryptocurrency for 2025, 2026, and 2030, which is based on technical analysis, fundamentals, and historical data.

Although the newer narratives in crypto are expected to provide huge gains, in this bull season, Spell token is expected to provide at least an ROI of 1000% by the end of 2025. Still, anything can happen in the blockchain space, as it has a market cap slightly above $80 million. If large VC funds want to pump this, then reaching a $10 billion market cap is easily possible in the upcoming bullish cycle, which will be a 100x gain from current price levels.

Now let’s have a look at the tokenomics of this reward token (SPELL) in the Abracadabra Ecosystem. The total supply of this token is 196,008,739,620 SPELL, of which more than 50% (107,405,628,969 SPELL) is in circulation. It’s smart contract was available on the Ethereum network at the launch, but now it supports other blockchains too, like Fanton, Aribitrum, Solana, and Avalanche C-Chain.

The all-time low of SPELL is $0.0003498.

SPELL Price Predictions

Let’s take a look at the quick price forecast data sets for SPELL Coin.

YearMinimum PriceAverage PriceMaximum Price

SPELL is basically a reward token that is linked to the project. is a lending platform where ibTKNs (interest-bearing tokens) can be used as collateral to borrow MM (Magic Internet Money), which is a USD-pegged stablecoin for this ecosystem. The main technology used in this lending project is provided by SushiSwap, which is named Kashi Lending Technology. So what’s the role of spelling here? Actually, SPELL Tokens can be farmed here by yield farming (staking of LP Tokens), which enhances liquidity throughout the ecosystem.

We have seen in past crypto cycles where yield farming projects exploded and provided investors with gains in terms of thousands of percent. But our team of experts is always focused on the safer side, as crypto projects can vanish within days if anything negative happens. According to our chart analysis, SPELL is at least a 10x gem due to its low market cap. But if you’re thinking of investing for a longer duration, like 5 or 10 years, then you must consult a financial advisor for proper guidance.

Live Price


NetworkEthereum, Arbitrum, Fantom
Market Cap$144 Million+
Total Supply196,008,739,620 SPELL
Max Supply196,008,739,620 SPELL

Spell Token (SPELL) Price Prediction 2025

2025 is speculated to be the biggest bull season in history, as MJAOR stocks have already reached all-time highs and the crypto market is also showing similar momentum.

According to our SPELL price analysis and historical data sets, the token can easily reach the price level of $0.010, where the market cap will still be lower than $2 billion. Although it can go much higher, to put users on the safer side, we can’t predict above that as crypto is a risky space and anything can happen in this season.

But 10x is definitely possible with the SPELL token, but users must accumulate during the dips.

MonthPrice Forecast
January 2025$0.00066 – $0.0015
February 2025$0.0018 – $0.0042
March 2025$0.0030 – $0.0058
April 2025$0.0049 – $0.0060
May 2025$0.0075 – $0.010
June 2025$0.0052 – $0.0060
July 2025$0.0041 – $0.0050
August 2025$0.0038 – $0.0044
September 2025$0.0035 – $0.0046
October 2025$0.0045 – $0.0066
November 2025$0.0030 – $0.0040
December 2025$0.0017 – $0.0022

Spell Token (SPELL) Price Prediction 2026

According to our price forecast algorithm, Spell token is expected to trade at a minimum price of $0.00047 and can reach upto $0.0010 in the most bullish case. The average price of SPELL will hover around the $0.00075 range.

Although the price can go much lower at $0.00048 if some bearish news comes into the cryptocurrency space.

YearPrice Forecast
2026$0.00047 – $0.0010

Read More: Pandora Price Predictions

Spell Token (SPELL) Price Prediction 2030

For long-term crypto investors, SPELL token risk analysis is definitely needed, although the returns can be more than 100x. Play according to your risk appetite. If the lending protocol is able to survive until 2030, then huge returns in the thousands of percent are very much possible.

According to the Spell Price Forecast for 2030, which is totally based on historical data sets and crypto trends, it can reach up to $0.065, which is a 100,00% ROI from current price levels. So, if you are thinking of investing in the SPELL token for a longer time frame, then you must apply the DCA strategy to maximise your returns.

MonthPrice Forecast
January 2030$0.0060 – $0.0080
February 2030$0.0090 – $0.010
March 2030$0.015 – $0.020
April 2030$0.025 – $0.045
May 2030$0.055 – $0.065
June 2030$0.035 – $0.045
July 2030$0.025 – $0.035
August 2030$0.015 – $0.025
September 2030$0.009 – $0.010
October 2030$0.008 – $0.009
November 2030$0.006 – $0.007
December 2030$0.005 – $0.008

Disclaimer: These price forecast data sets listed here are only for educational purposes and can’t be considered as financial advice. 

Crypto Officiel doesn’t recommend buying, selling, or holding any crypto tokens. So, kindly consult with your financial advisor before investing your hard-earned money into cryptocurrencies.

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