
ApeCoin (APE) Price Prediction 2024, 2025, 2030 and 2040 – 2050

Are you searching for ApeCoin (APE) price prediction for 2024, and upcoming years 2025, 2030, 2040 – 2050? Don’t look further! Here you will find detailed price forecast for ApeCoin for the short & long term based on historical cryptocurrency data sets and current market trends.

APE is now considered one of the most trusted metaverse project because it is related to the famous Bored Ape Yacht Club, which has made huge gains for its investors (Retail and VC Funds). At present, it is available for trading on most of the centralized cryptocurrency exchanges, like Binance Coinbase, ByBit, Gemini, Kucoin, and many more.

Also ApeCoin project has strong backing from Animoca Brands, and the majority of the NFT community loves it. At present, the market cap of this token is slightly above $500 Million, and it is also ranked among the top 50 cryptocurrencies according to Coinmarketcap’s website.

Only hype doesn’t matter for future price projections; we must be aware of the tokenomics behind this metaverse project.

ApeCoin Price Prediction For 2024, 2025, 2030, 2040 and 2050

Check out this quick price forecast table for ApeCoin (APE) for the current year 2024 and the upcoming years 2025, 2030, 2040, and 2050.

YearYearly LowYearly High


Market Cap$560 Billion+
Circulating Supply604,895,833 APE
Total Supply1,000,000,000 APE
Maximum Supply1,000,000,000 APE

ApeCoin is a fully decentralised Web3 utility token with an ERC20 governance mechanism. This token plays an important role in its whole ecosystem, as it will be used for governance, authorization, incentivization, and unification of spend. Because, the total supply of APE is limited to one billion and minting is restricted, there will be no new minted Coins in the future.

As per the data provided on ApeCoin’s official website, there is no burning capability in this smart contract due to the limit in maximum supply. Also for the safety of its investors, this token will be distributed to its contributors over the course of four years, according to the allocation table listed below.

Group Allocation Table

Ecosystem Fund (BAYC and MAYC NFT Holders and treasury) 62%150,000,000 Tokens (Can be claimed at Launch), 470,000,000 tokens for DAO and Treasury,
[117,500,000 tokens will be available at launch and the remaining will be distributed as 7,343,750 tokens per month for a period of 48 months)
YUGA LABS and Charity [16%]150,000,000 for YUGA LABS (Tokens will be locked for 1 year and distributed as 4,166,666.67 APE tokens per months for a period of 36 months),
10,000,000 tokens will be donated to Jane Goodall Legacy Foundation for charity purpose which will be locked for 1 year and charity will start after that with 277,777.78 tokens per month for 36 months)
15% Launch Contributors (Company and People Behind The Project)140,000,000 tokens for the contributors (The distribution schedule of APE Tokens for the launch contributors is available on their official website)
8% For the BAYC Founders (4 Founders of YUGA LABS and BAYC)80,000,000 For the 4 Founders (Tokens will be locked for a year and then will be distributed to its founder as 2,222,222.22 token per month for a period of 36 months

Allocation Table [BAYC And MAYC Holders]

NFTTokens Allocated
(Per NFT/NFT Pair)
Bored Ape only10,094 tokens
Mutant Ape only2,042 tokens
Bored Ape + Kennel Club10,950 tokens
Mutant Ape + Kennel Club2,898 tokens

ApeCoin Price Prediction 2024

MonthMinimum PriceMaximum Price
June 2024$0.87$1.35
July 2024$1$2
August 2024$1.8$3
September 2024$2.4$5
October 2024$6.5$11
November 2024$12$18
December 2024$17.3$20

ApeCoin Price Prediction 2025

Ape Coin is an excellent choice for investors with long-term investment goals, as the returns can be massive, ranging from 1000% to 2000% in 2025.

MonthMinimum PriceMaximum Price
January 2025 $20.4$22
February 2025 $23.4$25
March 2025 $25.8$40.5
April 2025 $38.8$55
May 2025 $58.5$98.4
June 2025 $105.6 $110
July 2025 $78.3$85.6
August 2025 $66.1$80.3
September 2025 $55.2$60.7
October 2025 $45.8$67.9
November 2025 $40.1$50.5
December 2025 $60.5$70

ApeCoin Price Prediction 2030

At present, if you invest in ApeCoin for longer durations like 10 years, you can expect a return of 20x to 50x in the year 2030. But you have to be an token holder with strong hands, as there may be bear cycles between 2022 and 2030.

MonthMinimum PriceMaximum Price
January 2030 $80$98.4
February 2030 $85$104.8
March 2030 $100.6$140
April 2030 $160.6$200.6
May 2030 $170.8$250.8
June 2030 $220.6$300
July 2030 $250.4$320.7
August 2030 $220 $280.6
September 2030 $180.5$220.5
October 2030 $190.5$230.5
November 2030 $180$250.7
December 2030 $210 $260

Is investing now in ApeCoin is profitable or not?

At the time of its launch, ApeCoin had already provided returns of more than 1000% in less than 24 hours, but given the hype surrounding this token, the stable range for investing is between $1.5 and $5.

The short-term price prediction for ApeCoin is around 2x to 5x, but if they maintain this hype and deliver their products according to their roadmap, a nice pump can be expected before the end of 2024. For short durations, the profitability depends upon your trading and investing experience.

How to buy ApeCoin?

  • Centralized Exchanges: APE cryptocurrency is available for trading on almost every centralised crypto exchange as it has a strong background. If you want to buy ApeCoin currently, you can use top crypto platforms like Coinbase, Binance, FTX, Kucoin, Gemini, and many more. On some exchanges it is available in USD & USDT pairs but few are supporting BTC pair also.
  • Decentralized Exchanges: Users can also purchase ApeCoin using popular dex platforms like Uniswap, 1inch or sushiswap without KYC. (Swapping pairs- WETH, USDC, DAI, NII, CRO, USDT and many more)

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the all time high – ATH for ApeCoin (APE)?

The ATH for APE coin is $39.40

What will be the investment returns from ApeCoin (APE) at the end of 2025?

The long term holders of the ApeCoin can expect excellent returns as this coin will perform better and the investment returns can be more than 10x. As per the market cap of this token, in the year 2025, the price of APE will be between $200 and $300.

What is the price prediction for ApeCoin (APE) after 2 years in 2024?

At the end of 2024, ApeCoin price can be anywhere between $120 – $150.

What is the price prediction for ApeCoin after 2 years in 2025?

In 2025, ApeCoin is expected to provide high returns for its initial investors. According to our predictions which is totally based on market sentiments and bullish cycles, APE can reach up to $500 before the end of 2025.

Will ApeCoin (APE) reach $100 in the near future?

ApeCoin is expected to reach price of $100 within two years, as it is backed by one of the best NFT communities and crypto investment firms. 

DISCLAIMER:  The price predictions listed here for the ApeCoin (APE) are only for educational purpose and are based on author's personal opinions.
The price forecast provided here for the APE project are calculated using the historical data and the past performance of token and cannot be considered as financial/legal advice.
The investors should do their own research before considering to invest in ApeCoin. Our website is not liable for your investments and trades. Cryptocurrency is a risky sector so you should consult with your financial advisor before thinking to invest in this metaverse project.
Note: This price prediction data set can't be used for redistribution, republication or embedding on any online platform without our permission.

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