
BRETT Aims to Dethrone BONK as 6th Largest Meme Coin

The cryptocurrency market is witnessing an exhilarating showdown as BRETT, a meme coin on the Base network, has surged 348% over the past month. This meteoric rise briefly allowed BRETT to overtake BONK, positioning it as the sixth-largest meme coin by market capitalization.

Market Performance and Current Standing

As of 2:37 a.m. EST, BRETT experienced a slight pullback, dropping 9% to trade at $0.161. Currently, BRETT holds the seventh spot among meme coins, boasting a market cap of $1.6 billion, just $100 million shy of BONK. The coin reached an all-time high of $0.193 on June 9.

BRETT Surpasses Major Meme Coins

BRETT’s recent rally saw it surpass well-known meme coins like Book of Meme (BOME) and MAGA (TRUMP). Launched in February 2024, BRETT’s charm lies in its origin as a character from Matt Furie’s “Boy’s Club” comic. Its humorous and relatable narrative has propelled it to the top of Base tokens, making it the largest cryptocurrency on Coinbase’s layer two network.

Base Network’s Ascendancy

BRETT’s gains align with the Base network’s rise as the second-largest Ethereum layer two solution, boasting a total value locked (TVL) of $7.73 billion, according to L2Beat. This puts Base ahead of Optimism’s OP Mainnet, which has a TVL of $7.09 billion, while Arbitrum remains the largest Ethereum scaling network with $18 billion in TVL.

Launched in August 2023, the Base network has shown remarkable growth, increasing its TVL almost tenfold from $742 million at the beginning of the year. This rapid expansion has been driven by a surge in meme coin mania on the network, with notable coins like Degen (DEGEN) and Toshi (TOSHI) contributing to the growth, having market caps of $191 million and $168 million, respectively.

Latest Developments and Future Outlook

Adding to the excitement, BRETT has announced new partnerships and upcoming features aimed at increasing utility and adoption. These strategic moves are expected to further bolster its market position and drive future growth. Moreover, with Base network’s expanding ecosystem, BRETT’s trajectory appears promising.

The ongoing competition between BRETT and BONK highlights the dynamic nature of the meme coin market. Investors are keenly watching as BRETT aims to reclaim and solidify its position as the sixth-largest meme coin. The potential for further gains remains strong, particularly if BRETT can leverage its recent momentum and upcoming developments.


BRETT’s explosive growth and recent developments underscore its potential to reshape the meme coin landscape. As the Base network continues to expand, and with strategic initiatives in place, BRETT is well-positioned for continued success. Investors should keep a close eye on this emerging player as it navigates the competitive waters of the cryptocurrency market.

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