Crypto Com becomes Official Sponsor FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022
Crypto.Com has been consistently ranked amongst the top five cryptocurrency exchanges in the world by reputable financial publications. Currently it is a 4.7 star rated crypto exchange by “Forbes Advisor Editorial Team”, ranked as the “best mobile crypto exchange app” by “Investopedia” and “Best Crypto exchange for Security” by “”.
Founded in 2016, today is available in 90 countries worldwide and has over 4,000 employees. The Singapore based crypto exchange serves more than 10 million customers and has 30+ regional community on telegram.
Its supports for over 250 cryptocurrencies, High cybersecurity ratings, vast digital asset ecosystem and a worldwide reach through regional language community, makes leagues ahead of its competitors.
This year, the platform has been busy with sports partnerships across the globe, be it the nine year Official Partner deal of the “Formula 1 Miami Grand Prix” or five-year collaboration with “Australian Football League“.
So, it came as no surprise when FIFA, the highest governing body of association football, announced yesterday on 23 March 2022, that “” will be an Official Sponsor of the “22nd FIFA World Cup”, scheduled to take place in Qatar from 21 November to 18 December 2022.
As per FIFA announcement, “” will be the exclusive cryptocurrency trading platform sponsor of FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 and will benefit from significant branding exposure both within and outside the tournament’s stadiums. Here are some of the twitter reaction after the release of the news: is proud to be the first crypto trading platform sponsor of the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 🏆 See you in Qatar! @fifaworldcup #worldcup
Twitter – @cryptocom
Kris Marszalek, CEO of, shared his excitement on twitter:
3.5 billion people watched the 2018 World Cup Excited to take crypto adoption up a notch as the exclusive crypto partner of FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 🏆
Twitter – @kris
But not everyone seems to be pleased with this announcement. “Tariq Panja” a global sports reporter for The “New York Times” and co-author of “Football’s Secret Trade” tweets:
Liam Twomay, “Chelsea” correspondent for “The Athletic” tweets:
It is also interesting to know that Cryptocurrencies and bitcoin trading in Qatar has not been too friendly in recent years. On 7th February 2018, the “Supervision and Control of Financial Institution Division” at Qatar’s Central Bank issued a circular to all banks operating in Qatar warning against trading in bitcoin.
Though in 2019, Qatar Financial Centre (QFC) included “developing blockchain-based technologies” when it Expands a Number of Licensed Fintech Activities, but in January 2020 Qatar Financial Centre (QFC) Puts Blanket Ban on Cryptocurrency Businesses.
So now, whether someone perceive the news to be a positive step towards mass crypto adoption, be totally indifferent or oppose the confluence, one thing is for sure that the platform has roped in a billion viewers worldwide with this branding masterstroke.